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What Is The Purpose Of Life?

What Is The Purpose Of Life?
We are part and parcel of the universal source, a spiritual being going through a human experience. The purpose of this source is to experience the dualities of life, experiencing the material and spiritual uniquely through every being. Hence our basic purpose in life is to balance these two so that we have the best of both in a righteous manner. Life may not have any meaning or purpose; our consciousness provides a unique meaning to each one of us on how and in what way we are to live a purposeful life.

We are here for the duration that we are awake and alive, and what is the reason for creating something out of life, knowing very well we will die one day when everything I have built will be rendered may be for nothing. However, there has to be some reason for being alive, even though I know fundamentally all that exists in the universe is only energy, which creates, sustains, destroys and recreates in its cycle of birth and death. Yet, your uniqueness remains for all to remember even when you are no longer alive.

You will come across this common phrase; Life is a cosmic joke. Sorry, life isn’t a cosmic farce. We are here, so why not do something about it? It is said that the root cause of suffering is ignorance, and it is ignorance that states that there is no meaning and purpose to life. Our ancient sages, since thousands of years ago, have been saying that the mind remains ignorant because it functions overly on a subconscious level unconsciously in auto mode without even knowing what it is doing multitudinous times.

There is no such thing as stability; for there is much more anxiety and despair. All harmful factors exist, even love and positivity are more for personal benefit to pretend and gossip. We keep falling but do not rise in love, identifying and attaching to this and that for our me and mine for its likes and dislikes. Our entire life goes waste without attaching proper significance to why and for what we are here. Desire and money are fuel for the mind, and we blindly get attached to both and flow in the manner these factors demand through our cognition out of lust and greed.

We should concentrate and contemplate self-awareness through self-observation constantly watching to keep the wandering mind in check. We claim we are body, mind, and soul but do not bother to acquire the knowledge and understanding of the soul and its role in the meaning and purpose of life. We may be destined to be what we are from the past, but in the present, which is exclusively ours, we are here to create our own destiny/ uniqueness for our future.

From your parents, teachers, and religion to all that conditioning whatever the past has given you, the present is in your hands to change, carve and create with the power of choices that your mind interacts with and experiences within the course of your life. This means you create your destiny in the presence of now, from one moment to the next. Living existentially for every moment of now is a great purpose; otherwise, as the sages said, existence is more of a play, a drama, a Leela, a Maya, and as Einstein proclaimed – ‘Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one.’

Always be alert in the now, and don’t stop at anything to keep your existence balanced between the divine and the devil. While witnessing, allow the energies of every positive and negative aspect to flow through your mind. You, as the soul, should remain an impartial observer uninvolved with your mind’s identifications and attachments to this and that, here and there, not to take you on a roller coaster ride for which the mind is designed to do.

Remain a conscious spectator of your body and mind. You’ll avoid doing anything wrong because the witness (spirit) within the witness-er (soul) oversees how the body and mind are performing. I reiterate that there is a difference between the witness -spirit, witness-er -soul witnessing through the mind on what is being witnessed – the object. All are required to function in cohesion as one in totality – where the seeker seeking the sought becomes one.

Do whatever you do with complete devotion, where you become one in totality without expecting anything material – body, mind, and soul balancing the material with the spiritual. Your mind in dual living is both – a saint and a sinner because you are bound to sin at some point in your life. When you self-observe, your third eye opens, and the mind becomes conscious of what it feels, thinks and motivates. Otherwise, neuroscientists are telling us today that the mind works over 98% mechanically in a subconscious state in auto-pilot from its memory and intellect out of past knowledge.

In Hinduism, there are four goals or aims of life defined as Purusharthas. They are Dharma – righteousness, Artha – economic prosperity, Kama – sensory desires and Moksha -spiritual realisation after your mind is content with material aspects.

Last but not least, do keep in mind all living creatures are unique in their respect. From this uniqueness, we leave a legacy behind for all others to remember when we are no longer there in body, mind and soul. In the words of St. Francis Of Assissi – ‘ It is in giving that we receive, and it is in dying that we are born to an eternal life.

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What Is The Purpose Of Life?

What Is The Purpose Of Life?


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